MAHAIAP's mission plays on our strengths to outline what we must do to achieve our mission, advance our Agenda for Children and remain the nation’s leading organization for child health.​


Challenges ​and Opportunities ​Facing the Academy Today

​At a significant time of transition and transformation in the pediatric care landscape and the broader health care context, it is important that the Academy clearly define and hone its future direction. In this context, the Academy finds itself at a strategic inflection point in which it must articulate its full value to members and stakeholders in order to achieve its mission.

A strategic planning data gathering process helped clarify key trends shaping the future of pediatric health care and the imperative for the Academy to respond. This strategic plan is developed to be forward-looking with these trends in mind:

  • Increasing need for pediatric behavioral and mental healthcare
  • Evolution towards team-based care
  • The need for pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists and surgical specialists to function in an evolving array of health delivery systems
  • Demographic changes within the profession of pediatrics
  • Evolving concerns and focus of pediatricians, pediatric medical and surgical subspecialists, especially around the social and environmental determinants of health
  • Enhanced use of technology by both patients / families and health care providers


Given the significance of these trends on the pediatric and broader health care landscape, MAHAIAP is seeking to strengthen its role and mission in order to attain optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults.



1: To strengthen the Academy’s impact on child health through policy, advocacy, and education.


1.1. Leverage the Academy's strengths in policy, advocacy, and education by closely linking efforts and activities in these three core areas of focus.


1.2. Use data and metrics to develop and prioritize areas of need for child health policies.

1.3. Strengthen the policy development and dissemination process.

1.4. Strengthen formal processes to respond to child health emergencies and other pressing child health issues.


2: Enrich member value and engagement.


2.1. Attract and represent a vibrant, diverse community of members by serving their evolving needs based on key data and metrics.


2.2. Provide state-of-the-art pediatric practice information in the context of a changing industry and professional landscape.

2.3. Endeavor to meet the professional and personal wellness needs of all members, including those whose practices are impacted by rapid changes in the health care system as well as early career pediatricians, medical subspecialists, and surgical specialists.

2.4. Develop strategies to enhance collaboration with other child health providers, medical societies, and other stakeholders.




3: Broaden and diversify pathways for general pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists, pediatric surgical subspecialists, and trainees to exercise leadership within the Academy and the broader public sphere beyond pediatrics.


3.1. Diversify representation on the Academy's board of directors beyond geographic districts to represent a broader array of Academy constituencies.


3.2. Review the role and structure of Academy leadership positions to facilitate broader access to leadership opportunities.

3.3. Foster participation in leadership by historically under-represented member groups at all levels of the Academy.

3.4. Cultivate members' leadership skills to support their participation as leaders in evolving health care systems and other settings beyond the Academy.



4: Enhance the Academy’s communication with members and stakeholders.
4.1. Transform the Academy into a digital organization that leverages user-focused and user-friendly digital products in response to member needs.

4.2. Enrich communications pathways and platforms to prioritize bi-directional communication between and among the Academy' leadership and constituent bodies (e.g. chapters, sections, councils, committees).

4.3. Enhance inclusion of Academy content on complementary platforms supported by health systems.

4.4. Provide clinicians with easy to use point-of-care resources that draw on the highest quality, peer-reviewed clinical information, updated in real time.

4.5. Deepen member, stakeholder, and public awareness of the Academy's work.




5: Support strong bi-directional relationships, interaction, and leadership development between MAHAIAP, IAP and chapters.


5.1. Encourage diversity of all kinds among chapter members, and promote diversity in leadership roles within the AAP.

5.2. Support chapters in their efforts to achieve and maintain financial stability to enhance chapter success.

5.3. Provide assistance to chapters with member recruitment and retention.

5.4. Foster alignment between the strategic plans and the federal and state advocacy initiatives of MAHAIAP and state chapters.




6: Continuously improve MAHAIAP member activities in education, advocacy and policy by strengthening the structure and function of committees, councils and sections.


6.1. Encourage diversity and inclusion of all kinds among committee, council and section members and promote diversity in leadership roles within MAHAIAP .

6.2 Align entities to support optimal collaboration.

6.3. Improve the linkage and communication between MAHAIAP policymaking entities and the Board.

6.4. Improve members knowledge of the structure and operations of committees, councils and sections and opportunities for leadership and engagement.

6.5. Optimize committee, council and section operations and integration with routine evaluation and oversight.


By creating shared priorities, the Academy will be better able to focus energy and resources, strengthen operations, ensure that employees and other stakeholders work towards common goals, establish agreement around intended outcomes, and assess and adjust the organization's direction in response to a changing environment.

Indeed, the MAHA IAP board of directors and numerous stakeholders participating in the strategic planning process cited the Academy's primary focus on promoting child health and mission-driven culture as its strongest asset, and one that must be maintained. The strategic plan and its core goals, therefore, build on organizational baseline strengths while identifying how the Academy will adapt to the myriad changes in its broader operating environment in ways that ensure its continued leadership championing Indian children's health and well-being.​

MAHA IAP Core Values

The Maharashtra Academy of Pediatrics is dedicated to promoting optimal health and well-being for every child as well as helping to ensure that Academy members practice the highest quality health care and experience professional satisfaction and personal well-being.

The Academy achieves this mission through provision of consistently high levels of value to member pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists and surgical specialists, trusted advice to children and families, and professional development opportunities for pediatric leadership. Indeed, as a mission-driven membership-based organization, enhancing child health is at the heart of the Academy's work. Its strengths include a strong emphasis on policy, advocacy, and education; serving as a public face for children's health and the profession; and a mission-driven culture. These services are driven by the Academy's core values and commitments as an organization